The Bitter Pill

We can do better.

‘nits and ‘ticks

Please indulge me again.  I’ve had the notes for the following bit of wordplay for at least two years now, and I have to write it.  

I apologize for the broad brush I’m using to paint this picture- there are lots of good people in elected office and in business, but they have forgotten how to behave.  They think that the way they work is how it’s supposed to work.  Here’s how money and politics work: biz-nits cover the candy-dates in honey so that they can influence poly-ticks.  Once the candy-dates are in office they are further treated to commercial enter-prizes in the form of information, jobs for family and anything else that the law doesn’t forbid, and even that’s not so sacred.  This is part of a type-A-graphic error, but only as far as the spelling goes.

Nits and ticks are insects called parasites.  Biz-nits and poly-ticks both thrive by sucking out money from those that they are “serving.”  When biz-nits want to sell you something you don’t need they use half-truths (if not outright untruths), social pressure, and your ego to get you to buy it.  When poly-ticks can’t come up with enough money to fund something, they simply create more money rather than taking it from the very deep pockets of money that are already out there; after all, those are the pockets that put them in office.

Now, please understand, I’m not condemning nits and ticks.  They don’t mean to do harm; they just do what they do best.  What we need to learn from nature, however, is that even the “dumbest” of creatures has sense enough to rid themselves of these pests.

In all fairness, we as humans have the capacity to think and learn.  Actually, we’re not the only ones, but we do appear to be the brightest.  Wait, no, that may not be true- other species don’t destroy their own ecosystem . . . but I digress.  We need to give the present leaders a chance to learn what we want from them.

It used to be that type A personalities were the leaders of families and tribes, and they served a purpose to the limited community.  Now those leaders are much farther, and further, removed from the people who elect them, with an equivalent lack of oversight.  Today, type As who are in major leadership roles have virtually free reign over their environments; in the case of biz-nits, they do everything in their power to get your money, in the case of poly-ticks they do everything to get your vote while happily accepting the support of biz-nits.

What’s this have to do with overpopulation and global warming?  First, the ‘nits and ‘ticks thrive on money supply growth and population growth- there has to be more so they can have more; second, they are unwilling to invest the money where it does them no good- science, education, and planning for the future.  Please remember these people are the people in charge of our future.

It doesn’t matter what party occupies an office because they’re all members of poli-tickle parties. They spend a great deal of time tickling each other with tasty treats: you give me a mouthful of that and I’ll give you a mouthful of this.  It’s like a big cooking class with everyone trying to discover the next great recipe, usually involving pork.

It’s going to be tough changing that mindset, but we can do it.  The type A graphic error is that they believe it’s the only way to do business.  We have votes; we need to convince them that there are other ways.  I started out saying that there are lots of good people in elected office and in business, but they haven’t been reminded how to behave; that’s why things haven’t changed.

Please write to your members of Congress!
