Please understand that this is written from the perspective that we are past the threat of COVID-19.
I know that as you’re buzzing through all of the distractions available to us today, it’s hard to stop and think. We all have our escape mechanisms that we use to make life more tolerable. Please put them aside for a few minutes and make a powerful contribution to our world, and think. That’s it. Quiet your mind and think, think about planning for the future instead of just reacting to the latest problem. I will present things to think about, good and bad. Some of my proposals may be controversial but we can no longer behave as we always have.
If you don’t have time right now to read what I have written please bookmark it and come back to it. If you think it is worthy please use the letter included in this website to tell your legislators how you feel; I have also included simple instructions on how to do it. Get involved. Every voice counts. We cannot tolerate business as usual.
Like every generation before, the young people of today are inheriting the results of humanity’s mistakes. This time is different. Our past behavior has created, and added to, harsh, global problems that can’t be fixed. We can only prepare for them, and it will take all of humanity to do so. We cannot just hand the future to the next generation and tell them that we hope that they do better than we did. An era of reckoning is coming fast and almost all of us will feel the effects of our continuing mistakes.
As an optimist, I have a deep faith that humanity can do what is necessary to change our present destiny- look at what we’ve accomplished against COVID-19. As a pessimist, I fear that humanity won’t accept how harsh our present destiny is until it’s too late. Our destiny is in the hands of our governments which means that it is in our hands. We have to make a change.
The governments of the world always tell us how wonderful everything is when our economies are strong and people are working, and that is of course correct. The problem is that as long as we’re working and our immediate needs are taken care of, we have trusted our governments to take care of everything else; it should be clear that that is not wise. These days, more and more people everywhere are getting uneasy that the decisions being made by our leaders lack foresight but we’ve been conditioned to accept that we’ll be okay so we simply push the uneasiness aside; it’s getting harder and harder to do. There is a medicine for that uneasiness but it’s a bitter pill that we will eventually have to swallow. Better sooner than later.
The bitter pill to swallow is that we are caught in a very unpleasant time in the history of our species. All of our past mistakes are catching up with us; the time of playing it fast and loose is over and we must deal with global problems.
We’ll never all agree on everything but we all need to agree on at least a few things, things which affect all of humanity. We have at least three global problems that are not being addressed appropriately. One of them is barely written about, another gets a lot of press, and the third speaks for itself. The combination of the three puts us in peril. I believe that the three most urgent problems that humanity faces are overpopulation and global warming and governments that are failing to effectively address the first two problems. It is up to us, the people, to make them do so. We must speak our truth quietly and clearly and we must be unwavering and unceasing. Global leadership must respond.
Our leaders are supposed to be public servants but they act like they are the great authors of history. We need to remind them that it is we, the people, who write the book when we demand change. It is time to dictate a new chapter; our voices must be heard.
Please write your members of Congress.
Thank you.