Below is a sample letter to members of Congress. Please address them appropriately: Dear Senator or Dear Representative. Please don’t do a mass mailing- their system apparently screens for that and it will not be considered.
Please cut and paste the following letter, then follow the instructions at the “How To Contact Congress” link below:
(Enter the date of your letter)
Dear (enter title and name)
My name and address are (enter your name and address) and I live and vote in your district.
After we succeed in eliminating the threat of COVID-19, I am concerned that we will continue to ignore the three greatest long-term problems affecting humanity: overpopulation, global warming, and governments that are encouraging the first and not doing enough about the second. I refer you to the article at and to the suggestions contained in it. The justification for my opinion is self-evident.
My desire is that you make the first two problems your chief priorities, thereby eliminating the third.
If you cannot publicly embrace that, I cannot support you in the future.
(Enter your name)